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U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Maj. Adam Yakubsin, Recruiting Station Detroit's sergeant major, speaks with recruits of Recruiting Station Detroit during a female pool function in Romulus, Mich., Jan. 18, 2014. The event was held to build camaraderie and spread knowledge about the Marine Corps. (Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Elyssa Quesada/ Released)

Photo by Sgt. Elyssa Quesada

Michigan, Ohio, Marines, recruits participate in female pool function

29 Jan 2014 | Sgt. Elyssa Quesada 4th Marine Corps District

More than 40 members of Recruiting Station Detroit participated in a female pool function in Romulus, Mich., Jan. 18, to build camaraderie and spread knowledge about the Marine Corps among future Marines before they attend recruit training.

Maj. Matthew Hager, RS Detroit’s commanding officer, and Sgt. Maj. Adam Yakubsin, RS Detroit’s sergeant major, welcomed attendees with comments about the challenges that lay ahead, while reminding them they will not face them alone.

“I hope to receive good feedback from those who attended, to ensure we are providing the right guidance to prepare them for recruit training,” said Yakubsin.

One recruit, Isabel Magana, who spent less than a month in the Marine Corps Delayed Entry Program, was happy she finally found her niche.

“The Marines are the best,” said Magana. “I cannot wait to explore the world, meet people and experience different cultures and enjoy life.”

When asked about the pool function she expressed her gratitude and confidence in her decision for joining the Corps.

“The function was very helpful and answered a lot of questions I had,” said Magana, who is 27, and a recruit out of Recruiting Sub-Station Howell, Mich. “It is comforting to be around females; sometimes the male recruiters do not know how to answer my questions about recruit training for females.”

Magana, who left for Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, S.C., Jan. 27, is slated to be a legal administrative specialist.

The recruits were able to interact with other applicants who shared common concerns such as how to properly pin up their hair, what physical demands they were going to encounter, and what communication will be like on the island.

“The Marines made the event very comfortable for us to ask questions,” said Hannah Kuhlman, 20, a recruit out of RSS Findlay, Ohio. “These were not rumors or hearsay, these are Marines who have gone through boot camp.”

This is just one of RS Detroit’s two female functions this year that will continue to instill confidence in the station’s females recruits, according to Yakubsin.

Female Marines with the station discussed concerns the recruits had before going into boot camp and later conducted a physical training circuit.

“I think these types of functions are important,” said Yakubsin. “It brings everyone together and it helps them build a bond with other females who are leaving for recruit training.”

“It’s a great experience that I have had; and seeing all these females,” continued Magana. “I feel like hey, maybe I will run into them in the future, as Marines.”

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4th Marine Corps District