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U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Donna Williams took some time out to show off her warehouse. As the Recruiting Station Frederick’s logistics clerk, she is responsible for the security of “The Cage” where RS Frederick keeps all of its valuable gear. She was selected as the 4th Marine Corps District’s Marine of the Year. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Amber Williams/Released)

Photo by Sgt. Amber Williams

Mom, runner, logistics clerk takes 4th MCD Marine of the Year

11 Dec 2013 | Sgt. Amber Williams 4th Marine Corps District

Sgt. Donna Williams , the Marine Corps Recruiting Station Frederick logistics clerk, maintains a lifestyle that probably makes any other person’s busy schedule look calm in comparison. Balancing her family, which includes a husband in the Navy, two children and her live-in mother-in-law, her career in the Marines, college classes and a hobby of running she still gets through her day with ease and enthusiasm.

“I do not excel in every aspect, and I have a lot of help here and at home,” said Williams, a Victoria, Texas native.

In 2013 she maintained her physical fitness standards as she trained diligently for four months leading up to the Marine Corps Marathon. She also completed 10 college courses in her quest to achieve her bachelor’s degree in business administration.

Williams accomplishes all of these things and more while going above and beyond as the logistics clerk for Frederick.

She spent six months as the acting logistics chief from February to August, a billet normally held by a staff noncommissioned officer. She fulfilled all the requirements set in front of her while improving her work environment with her positive attitude.

“Her initiative keeps the log section proactive verses reactive mode, keeping it a smooth running section,” said Sgt. Maj. William Sweeney, the sergeant major for Recruiting Station Frederick. “Holding down the section for months was a huge deal. All of her hard work and multi-tasking has paid off.”

Williams was recognized as 4th Marine Corps District’s Marine of the Quarter which led to her nomination as the 4th Marine Corps District’s Marine of the Year.

“She is a hard worker, dependable and someone you can count on to do the right thing at all times,” said Capt. Herman Davis, the executive officer of RS Frederick.
Williams’ nomination turned into an award and she will receive a Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal.

“I was speechless, because I did what any Marine would have done,” said Williams.

Her contributions were especially important as she monitored the execution of the command’s finances, obligations and reconciliations which included over $200,000 in funding.

“At my previous command I was the fiscal noncommissioned officer in charge so I pretty much took my experiences from there and did what I had to do,” she said.

She managed all the phone, gas and postal transactions which are integral to the success of the recruiters at RS Frederick.

“She is all over it,” said Staff Sgt. Daniel Brought, the staff noncommissioned officer of Recruiting Sub-Station Warrenton. “Working with her is easy. She is very good at taking what you requested and making sure it happens very fast.”  

Williams ensures that the lights are on and the phones are working for all of RS Frederick.

She was the only Marine managing the maintenance for 29 facilities and 71 vehicles while also responsible for the paperwork that accompanies maintenance requests, supply requests and immediate requests for miscellaneous support such as a request for command completion of training percentages and other reports.

“Some days, you have multiple requests coming in from stations, not to mention worrying about repairing stations; there are a lot of little things that add up,” she said.         

Her husband, Petty Officer 3rd Class Justin Williams, a corpsman at Bethesda Medical facility, works about 45 minutes away from their home in Frederick, Md. If she is not trying to fit in time with him, she has her arms full with her 1 and 4 year old boys.

“They are amazing, but they are boys,” said Williams. “They are crazy and their craziness is why I love them.”

She also helps take care of her live-in mother-in-law Linda Shelly.

“We agreed to help her out financially, that is our way of helping family,” said Williams.

Shelly watches the boys when Williams and her husband are at work.

“I would not be able to do half the stuff I do if it was not for her,” said Williams.

Family and work are Williams’ top priorities but she also goes to school full-time at Central Texas College on-campus or online depending on the class requirements.

“That is hectic,” said Williams. “I have a set schedule; I go home, I cook, I take care of the boys and then I take care of my classes, everything is on a schedule.”

She plans on graduating in May 2014 and as of right now she is right on track.

“It is overwhelming,” she said. “I had never seen myself as a college student and now I couldn’t see it any other way.”

Everything she does is for her boys.

“I want a better life for my children,” said Williams. “It is all for my children, everything is for them.”

Down time is scarce, and during her training for the Marine Corps Marathon it did not exist.

She spent time training for the Marine Corps Marathon from August to October.

“I spent five hours a week training,” said Williams. “It’s a check off my bucket list.”

Williams does have a few leisurely activities and has more time to indulge in them now that she is officially a marathon runner.

When she is not taking care of her myriad responsibilities, she spends time snacking and relaxing.

“My favorite thing to eat is anything that is bad for you,” said Williams with a big smile. “My idea of relaxing is kicking my feet up and watching TV.”

She also spends time with coworkers and friends.

“Exercising, going on lunch dates and dates period,” said Williams. “You can put shopping too, I do that too.”

Mom, wife, marathon runner, holding down the billet of logistics chief and dessert lover. It is hard for many to comprehend how she does it all.

It can be attributed to her “Can Do Attitude.” said Davis.

She is humble about her achievements and finds the process of being recognized for her hard work confusing.

“I am just doing what any Marine would do,” she said.

Williams has had one heck of a year, she plans on topping it by doing the same thing she always does.

“I’ll give it my all every day,” said Williams.  Williams will be officially recognized in February 2014.

Unit News
4th Marine Corps District