
4th Marine Corps District
Sergeant Major Anthony L. Lappe

Sgt. Maj. Anthony L. Lappe currently serves as the Sergeant Major, 4th Marine Corps District.  A native of Algona, Iowa, he joined the Marine Corps on April 15 2000 when he reported to Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, 1st Battalion, Bravo Company, Platoon 1058, for recruit training.  Sgt. Maj. Lappe was meritoriously promoted to Private First Class upon graduating from recruit training.  Sergeant Major Lappe received orders to Camp Pendleton, California to Infantry Training Battalion, where he received the Military Occupational Specialty of 0341 Infantry Mortarman. 
In October 2000, Sergeant Major Lappe received orders to 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines, Marine Corps Base Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. Sgt. Maj. Lappe completed two unit deployment programs.  While on his first unit deployment program in late September 2001, Sgt. Maj. Lappe and his unit were in direct support of the 5th Fleet, helping in the efforts of guarding Naval Vessels in the Middle East.  Sgt. Maj. Lappe was promoted to the rank of Lance Corporal in March 2001; during which he served as a squad leader. On the second deployment, Sgt. Maj. Lappe was forward deployed once again from Okinawa, Japan to the Philippines in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.  Sgt. Maj. Lappe was promoted to Cpl. February 2002. 
In December 2003 Sgt. Maj. Lappe received orders to Recruiters School in San Diego, California.  In March 2004, he received orders to the 9th Marine Corps Recruiting District, where he reported for duty at Recruiting Substation (RSS) Bloomington, Minnesota. He was promoted to Sergeant July 2004.  As a successful canvasing recruiter, Sgt. Lappe was put in charge of RSS Duluth, Minnesota September 2005. 

In January 2007 Sgt. Lappe received orders to 3d Battalion 8th Marines, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.  He was deployed on the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit in May 2007 and deployed to Southern Afghanistan with the battalion in October 2008.  Sgt. Lappe was promoted to Staff Sergeant November 2008.  Staff Sgt. Lappe attended the Infantry Mortar Leaders Course and Staff Non-Commissioned Officer Academy during his tenure with the battalion. 
In March 2010, Staff Sgt. Lappe received orders to Marine Security Guard School in Quantico, Virginia.  Upon graduating Marine Security Guard School, he was the Detachment Commander in Quito, Ecuador June 2010.  After serving as Detachment Commander for 11 months in Ecuador, he was brought back to Quantico, Virginia and put in charge of the Recruiting, Advertising, and Screening Team.  He worked closely with Headquarters Marine Corps and traveled to different military installations to give briefs about the Marine Security Program.  In January of 2012 Staff Sgt. Lappe was redeployed as the Detachment Commander in Sana'a, Yemen.  In July 2012 he was meritoriously promoted to Gunnery Sergeant.
In July 2013 Gunnery Sgt. Lappe received orders to 3d Battalion 5th Marines, Camp Pendleton, California, where he served as Company Gunnery Sergeant.  He deployed twice with the battalion to Okinawa, Japan with the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, and again on a unit deployment program, participating in exercises in Korea and Camp Fuji, Japan.  In December 2014 Gunnery Sgt. Lappe served as the acting Company First Sergeant for approximately nine months while the battalion was waiting for an inbound First Sergeant. 
Gunnery Sgt. Lappe was promoted to First Sergeant in April 2016 and served as the First Sergeant for Recon Training Company at Advanced Infantry Training Battalion, School of Infantry-West, Camp Pendleton, California from May 2016 to April 2018.  From April 2018 to September 2020 he served as the Company First Sergeant for Transportation Services Company and Headquarters and Service Company, Combat Logistics Battalion 6 in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, where he also participated in the Marine Rotational Forces - Europe 20.1 deployment with a Combat Logistics Company in Norway. 

Sgt. Maj. Lappe was promoted to his current rank on Sep. 18 2020 and received orders for 2nd Intelligence Battalion, II MEF Information Group in October 2020. In March 2022 Sergeant Major Lappe transferred to Recruiting Station (RS) Fort Worth to serve as the RS Sergeant Major.  Sgt. Maj. Lappe became the Sergeant Major of 4th Marine Corps District on May 19 2023.

Sgt. Maj. Lappe's decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (in lieu of 5th Award), Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, and Meritorious Honor Award from the State Department (in lieu of 2nd award). 

4th Marine Corps District