Tag: Baltimore

U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Justin P. Glemza, a canvassing recruiter with Marine Corps Recruiting Station Baltimore and a native of Baltimore, Md., far right, gives shooting tips to members of Recruiting Station Baltimore’s Delayed Entry Program at 4th Combat Engineer Battalion’s headquarters in Parkville, Md., Oct. 12, 2013. Recruiters from RS Baltimore brought 35 members from their Delayed Entry Program to 4th CEB’s Indoor Simulated Marksmanship Trainer (ISMT) facility in order to familiarize them with the Marine Corps and marksmanship training. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Bryan Nygaard/Released) - U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Justin P. Glemza, a canvassing recruiter with Marine Corps Recruiting Station Baltimore and a native of Baltimore, Md., far right, gives shooting tips to members of Recruiting Station Baltimore’s Delayed Entry Program at 4th Combat Engineer Battalion’s headquarters in Parkville, Md., Oct. 12, 2013. Recruiters from RS Baltimore brought 35 members from their Delayed Entry Program to 4th CEB’s Indoor Simulated Marksmanship Trainer (ISMT) facility in order to familiarize them with the Marine Corps and marksmanship training. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Bryan Nygaard/Released)

4th Marine Corps District