Sergeant Major Hatlen currently serves as the Recruiting Station Louisville, Kentucky Sergeant Major. He has performed in this capacity since November 2019.
Sergeant Major Hatlen was born in Whitefish, M.T. in 1979. He graduated from Whitefish High School in June of 1997. After graduation he reported to MCRD San Diego on May 10th 1998 to 2nd Recruit Training Battalion. Upon graduation on August 8th 1998 he was ordered to MCT School of Infantry West, Camp Pendleton. After graduation he reported to his military occupational school of Heavy Equipment Operator in Fort Leonard Wood, MO.
Sgt Major Hatlen then reported to MWSS-171 Iwakuni, Japan. He served in billets that included safety/hazmat,and tool room. While in Iwakuni, SgtMaj Hatlen participated in jungle training in Northern Training Area and Central Training area Okinawa, Japan. While stationed in Iwakuni, Japan he picked up Lance Corporal meritoriously.
SgtMaj Hatlen then transferred to 2nd CEB Camp Lejuene, NC and served as heavy equipment operations records and forms clerk. He deployed with the 24th MEU as a squad leader and picked up the ranks of Corporal and Sergeant.
Upon completion of the 24th MEU, SgtMaj Hatlen received orders to Marine Security Guard School in Quantico, VA. He was stationed in Panama City, Panama for 18 months and then Moscow, Russia for 12 months. While on Marine Security Guard duty he met his wife of today Tania Yarelis Hatlen.
After completion of MSG duty SgtMaj Hatlen was assigned to 7th ESB in October of 2004. While at 7th ESB SgtMaj Hatlen attended Sergeants course in Camp Pendleton and then deployed with 7th ESB as platoon sergeant to Iraq and picked up the rank of Staff Sergeant. When he returned from Iraq he attended career course in Camp Pendleton.
While at 7th ESB SgtMaj Hatlen received orders to recruiting school in MCRD San Diego, CA in October of 2007 and was stationed at PCS Bozeman, RSS Billings, RS Salt Lake City. SgtMaj Hatlen served as a canvassing recruiter for 12 months and then was moved up to be the Staff Non Commissioned Officer in Charge of RSS Billings. While SNCOIC SgtMaj Hatlen’s RSS received honors as recruiting station of the year for RS Salt Lake City, UT. SgtMaj Hatlen was also named SNCOIC of the year for fiscal year 2009 for RS Salt Lake City, UT.
SgtMaj Hatlen then received orders to MWSS-373. He was the Operations chief for the Heavy Equipment Platoon while supporting Weapons Training Instruction. SgtMaj Hatlen was then appointed as the Engineer Company Staff Non Commissioned Officer for the Remain behind Element. When MWSS-373 forward returned from Afghanistan SgtMaj Hatlen was then appointed as the SNCOIC of Heavy Equipment Operations Platoon. While at MWSS-373 SgtMaj Hatlen deployed to Qatar as the senior enlisted advisor to the Marine Liaison Officer in charge of Marine Coordination Element Forward, Qatar. Upon his return SgtMaj Hatlen became the SNCOIC for the Maintenance Platoon MWSS-373.
SgtMaj Hatlen then received orders to CLB 3, Marine Corps Base Hawaii. He participated in Rim of the Pacific exercise as the Battalion ops chief and Company GySgt. SgtMaj Hatlen was the acting 1stSgt for Lava Viper 15.1 in support of 2/3 and then served as the H&S Co. 1st Sgt until his assignment to I-I Little Rock, AR as the I-I 1stSgt.
While I-I 1stSgt, SgtMaj Hatlen completed the Navy Senior Enlisted Academy, Marine Forces Reserve Senior Leaders Workshop and helped develop and teach Marine Forces Reserve 1stSgt Symposium. As I-I 1stSgt, SgtMaj Hatlen was also the acting reserve 1stSgt for India Company, 3/23. In June 2018 SgtMaj Hatlen received orders to Headquarters Company, I MEF Support Battalion.