WEBVTT 00:00.009 --> 00:02.342 Major Thomas here with Ken from Detroit , 00:02.569 --> 00:04.791 Ken . What do you know about the Marine 00:04.791 --> 00:06.902 Corps ? Yeah . My father was a Marine 00:06.902 --> 00:09.159 for 20 years . Yell out y'all mine . 00:09.460 --> 00:11.793 Good afternoon for the Michigan Marines . 00:11.793 --> 00:13.793 I'm Sergeant Hassan . And it here , 00:13.793 --> 00:16.016 Donald Thomas and we're here at the NFL 00:16.016 --> 00:18.389 Draft live from Detroit Michigan . And 00:18.399 --> 00:21.170 today we're asking questions to hand 00:21.180 --> 00:23.909 out the low density , high demand 00:24.090 --> 00:26.146 Marine Corps lanyards . So let's see 00:26.146 --> 00:28.368 what we can find out . Who do you think 00:28.368 --> 00:30.090 could eat more burgers ? Aidan 00:30.090 --> 00:32.520 Hutchinson or me , Aidan Hutchinson . I 00:32.669 --> 00:34.725 completely agree . We think that Dan 00:34.725 --> 00:36.836 Camp will be a great marine . What do 00:36.836 --> 00:40.599 you think astounding is ? Which 00:40.610 --> 00:43.349 uniform is better ? The NFL football 00:43.360 --> 00:45.471 uniform or the Marine Corps uniform ? 00:48.470 --> 00:51.229 Marine Corps ? Man . What's your 00:51.240 --> 00:53.240 opinion on the United States Marine 00:53.240 --> 00:57.139 Corps ? My opinion is we're grateful , 00:57.340 --> 00:59.840 we're very grateful for you , for your 00:59.849 --> 01:01.500 service and what you guys do for us ?